Generally most famous company logos tell a different story than our real life experience. So talented graphic designer Viktor Hertz from Sweden have tweaked some of very famous corporate logos and their slogans to show you what these companies are really known for in reality .
From the artist- ‘’An idea for a series with honest logos, revealing the actual content of the company, what they really should be called. Some are cheap, some might be a bit funny, some will maybe be brilliant. I don’t know.’’
Check out 10 Most Honest Logos By Viktor Hertz – Part II. If you have missed part I, visit the link below.
10 Most Honest Logos By Viktor Hertz
10 – Youtube
09 – L’Oréal
08 – Playstation
07 – Budweiser
06 – Facebook
05 – IMDB
04 – Coca cola
03 – Hollywood
02 – Starbucks
01 – Porsche
Via: Viktor Hertz